Identity and Access Management Process
The purpose of this process is to establish a mechanism by which the University regulates the students’ and staff’s identities and grants them access to appropriate information technologies (IT) resources available at Parami.
This process applies to all students as well as alumni, and all staff and volunteers of the University, who use information technology resources provided by the University.
Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies
This is the University process.
Identity Management
Parami University employs several cloud based softwares and each user is designated username and password. When a user enters his/her login credentials, his/her identity will be checked against a database to verify the entered credentials match with the ones stored in the database. Since username and password are vital for a user’s work, each user is responsible for selecting strong passwords, keeping the passwords secure and reporting unauthorized use of the accounts. Each user must:
● Follow the password guidelines mentioned in Cyber Security Protocols whenever he/she creates a new password:
● Not share passwords with any other person
● Not use passwords related to Parami University for non-University accounts
● Log off when leaving a device unattended
● Immediately change passwords and inform the administrator if there is a reason to believe that a password is improperly disclosed, accessed or used by an unauthorized person
Except for Parami email and Forticlient VPN, each user can change username and password by himself/herself for every software at Parami University. If a student/staff forgets password for Parami email, he/she is required to contact the administrator.
Provisioning and Role-based Access Management
There are two types of accounts at Parami University.
User accounts: These accounts are uniquely associated with a specific person. Each person can set his/her own username and password and has access to privileged features based on the role.
Shared accounts: These accounts are created to support multiple users with the same identity. For instance, students in the same class have to share a username and password for a virtual private network (VPN) in order to access electronic resources at Parami University. Parami may implement further necessary steps to eliminate system limitation and streamline the services in the future.
Once a new student has signed and returned the enrollment agreement form to the Office of Registrar, within three business days, the office of information and technology will create accounts for each individual for using each software and application, depending on his/her role within the organization. Each new student or staff is responsible for providing complete and correct information about himself/herself during registration.
Parami Email
Once a new student has signed and returned the enrollment agreement form to the Office of Registrar, within three business days, the Office of Information and Technology will create a Parami email address by using his/her information provided in the Apply portal during the admission processes. There is no specifically defined user role between students and staff in using a Parami email. However, staff email accounts will have access to install certain add-on features when it comes to Google sheets, docs, slides, form and drive.
Orbund (Student Information System)
Once a new student has signed and returned the enrollment agreement form to the Office of Registrar, within three business days, the office of Registrar will create accounts in Orbund SIS by using information from the Apply portal (for students) and from the Unit of Human Resource and Payroll, Office of Finance and Operations (for staff). Academic staff will have access as an instructor role in which he/she has the following access:
● Account & Profile which allows users to add, edit and delete his/her general information such as profile picture, email address, username, password and so on
● Communication which allows users to send messages and alerts to students, other instructors, staff and even SIS administrators
● Classes which allow users to view past and present classes where he/she can add sections, announcements, assignments, discussion threads and generate progress reports and attendance records
● Lesson Plans under Classes which allows users to upload books, lecture notes and class materials and write instructions for each day and class
● Attendance which allows users to view and generate attendance records from date to date
● Grades which allows users to submit final grades, make-up grades, midterm make-up grades and midterm reports in the grade book
● Schedules which allows users to schedule his/her exam and classes
● Reference which allows users to view a repository file where documents, books are uploaded and instructor directory
Students will have access as a student role in which he/she has the following access:
● Account & Profile which allows users to add, edit and delete his/her general information such as profile picture, email address, username, password and so on
● Communication which allows users to send messages and alerts to other students, instructors, staff and even SIS administrators
● Class which allows users to view present classes where he/she can view announcements, submit assignments, reply to discussion threads
● Attendance which allows users to view and generate attendance records from date to date
● Reports & Transcripts which allows users to view semester reports, academic transcripts and graduation requirements
Finance which allows users to view payment and invoice and financial aid
● Enrollment & Schedules which allows users to add and drop courses and view make-up exam enrollment, course and exam schedules
● Reference which allows users to view a repository file where documents, books are uploaded and instructor directory
Canvas (Learning Management System)
Once a student or academic staff has activated a Parami email address, within three business days, the Office of Information and Technology will create a user account by using his/her full name, Parami email address and student ID from Orbund (SIS). Course invitation email will be sent the following days in his/her Parami email. Academic staff will be invited as a teacher role in a course in which he/she has the following access:
● Analytics which allows users to view course and student analytics from the course home page or people page
● Announcements which allows users to view, add, edit and delete announcements
● Chat which allows users to send messages to entire class and individual student
● Calendar which allows users to add, edit and delete event in the course calendar
● Discussion which allows user to create, moderate, post and view the discussion
● Course Content which allows users to add, edit and delete Assignments, Attendance, Modules, Pages, Files, Syllabus and Quizzes
● Course Setting which allows users to publish or unpublish course content, import content using course content tool
● Grades which allows users to add, edit, audit and delete grades of students’s assignments
● Rubrics which allows users to add, edit and delete rubrics for each assignment
● People which allows users to manage students, view their log IDs and primary email addresses
● Student View which allows users to pretend as a student
● Plagiarism Review in Canvas which allows users to add Copyleaks tool in assignments
● Zoom which allows users to create and schedule Zoom classes
● Course Evaluation which allows users to fill out the course evaluation form and monitor the students’ response rate.
Students will be invited as a student role to a course in which he/she has the following access:
● Announcements which allows users to view and reply announcements
● Chat which allows users to send message to entire class and individual student
● Discussion which allows users to view posts and reply the threads in a discussion
● Course Content which allows users to view Modules, Pages, Files, Syllabus and submit
Assignments and take Quizzes
● Grades which allows users to view grades
● People which allows users to view other classmates
Zoom which allows users to join Zoom classes
● Course Evaluation which allows users to fill out the course evaluation survey
Since H5P is integrated within Canvas LMS, user accounts for both academic staff and students are created automatically as soon as an author role selects Interactive Content-H5P in Canvas assignments, pages, discussion. The required information such as name and Parami email address from Canvas are automatically used to create H5P user accounts. However, academic staff will receive an invitation for H5P as an author role in which he/she can:
● Access H5P content visible for the public or the organization, normally through Canvas LMS.
● Create, edit and delete his/her own content.
● Be added as collaborator, and can edit content owned by others if added as collaborator, but cannot delete it.
● Add users as collaborators for their own content or content where they are collaborators.
● Edit his/her own email, lastname and firstname.
Students will be in a learner role in which he/she has the following access:
● Access H5P content visible for the public or the organization, normally through the Canvas LMS.
The Office of Information and Technology will send an invitation to activate Padlet accounts for new academic staff within three business days after his/her contract/employment has begun. However, a new student has to sign up for themselves after he/she has activated the Parami email address. Academic staff will be invited in a teacher role and students will be in student roles. The difference between student role and teacher role is that teacher role can embed or integrate Padlet into the Canvas LMS. Both teacher role and student role have access to:
● Profile which allows users to edit general information, navigate to home page, profile and setting to edit username and password, drive to upload content from google drive
● Made which allows users to create all types of Padlet which include wall, Stream, Grid, Shelf,
Map, Canvas, Timeline and create in which users can add, edit, and delete posts
● Setting which allows users to change privacy of a Padlet and invite collaborators
● Recents which allows users to view Padlets they have recently participated in
● Shared which allows users to view Padlets shared by other users
● Join a Padlet which allows users to join padlet of other users’ with a padlet URL
● New Folder which allows users to create and organize Padlets in folders
● Archived which allows users to archive Padlets
Parami Zoom accounts are available only to academic staff and the office of information and technology must create Zoom accounts for each new staff member by using name and Parami email. At least one week before a semester begins, the accounts of academic staff who are teaching at a particular semester will be upgraded to a licensed Zoom account which has the following privilege access:
● Cloud Recording which allows users record the meeting on the cloud
Unlimited Hours which allows users to host a meeting for more than one 40 minutes Since Zoom is integrated within the Canvas LMS, students have the following access:
● Upcoming meeting which allows users to join the Zoom classes without requiring meeting ID or invitation link
● Re-watch and download recorded videos
Pear Deck
Although Pear Deck is available domain-wide (, the agenda for Pear Deck must be included in the EduTech onboarding meeting hosted by the Office of Information and Technology for new academic staff. Academic staff who are in teacher role will have the following access:
● Text which allows users to add questions with text entry answers to google slides
● Choice which allows users to add multiple choice questions to google slides
● Number which allows users to add questions with numerical answers to google slides
● Website which allows users to embed webpage in google slides
● Draw which allows users to add questions with drawing answers to google slides
● Draggable which allows users to add questions with draggable answers to google slides
● Add Audio to Slides which allows users to add audio files to google slides
● Template library which allows users to apply ready-to-use templates
● Review Session which allows users to review the students’ answers
Although students are not required to sign up for Pear Deck accounts, they still have the following access on teachers’ google slides:
● Text which allows users to provide answers in text only
● Choice which allows users to answer multiple choice questions
● Number which allows users to provide answers in number only
● Website which allows users to view embedded webpage
● Draw which allows users to provide answers in drawing
● Draggable which allows users to provide answers by drawing the items at the correct position
● Audio which allows users listen to audio instruction
Since Copyleaks is integrated within the Canvas LMS, user accounts are automatically created once information of new students/academic staff members are recorded in the Canvas LMS. Academic staffs who are in teacher role will have the following access:
● Setting which allows users to customize plagiarism detection process such as ignore references, quotes, titles, table of contents, source code comments
● Report Visibility which allows users to select to share or not to share the report to students
● Report which allows users to view similarity scores, filter and compare text with databases to manipulate similarity score
Students who are in student roles may or may not have access to view access similarity scores depending on the report visibility set by the teacher.
Since Blue by Explorance is integrated within the Canvas LMS, user accounts are automatically created once the information of new students/academic staff members are recorded in the Canvas LMS.
Academic staff who are in instructor role will have access to:
● Fill Out Forms which allows users to evaluate services and operations at Parami
● Subject Management which allows users to monitor the response rate of the students Students who are in student role will have access to:
● Fill Out Forms which allows users to evaluate course, teacher and services provided by Parami
FortiClient VPN
VPN for electronic resources is the only software with shared accounts at Parami University and there is no specific difference among user roles. However, the Office of Information and Technology will update the username and password at the end of each semester.
The access of each feature mentioned above in each software for each role is a typical access granted at the University and the requests to limit or grant further access will be considered case by case.
The Tech Support Team is responsible for ensuring compliance with this regulation in various offices of the University.
Updated on
Adopted on January 31, 2022.