
Campus-Wide Communication Protocol


The purpose of this protocol is to provide guidelines for the use of mass communications on our campus, so that the members can receive clear and concise communication about the University updates within the University community.


This is the administrative protocol, affecting all University community members.

Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies

This is the University protocol. 


Defining Mass Email

The Office of Information and Technology is responsible for broadcasting campus-wide information to all University’s community members except pre-approved individuals. These guidelines seek to enhance the delivery of efficient and concise internal communications within the University community.

The purpose of these mass email guidelines is to send a message to the University community members using, the domain of the University.

Mass emails are intended to support campus-wide community members by providing them with the information and updates of the University. The messages must be with regard to University business, of general interest and importance to administrative and academic staff, and significant to the University. The information in the email should be newsworthy and aligned with the institution’s values.

Categories of Mass Email

Mass emails generally are divided into two forms:

●       Official Messages from the University Management

○   These official messages are directly from the University Management or its representatives and are to be sent to the entire University community members. Example: University-wide Updates

●       Informational Messages to the University Community

○   A University’s unit or office may request to send a mass email to the University community members, and the information must be relevant to the University community's shared interests.

Example: The Institution Anniversary, Talk Event


Mass emails designated to all academic staff by the Academic Department or the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs within the responsibilities of these units will be directly delivered by the relevant offices to proper mailing lists apart from the close participation of Campus Communications.

The Office of Institutional Advancement will be in charge of proceeding the mass emails straight towards the relevant and respective staff group members. The information should be relevant to the designated groups of individuals on our campus.

Campus-wide Email Lists

Mass email formatting and content outlines must be aligned with the University mass emails format.

Alternative to Mass Email

Before sending mass emails to the designated groups, please consider the following alternatives to mass email which emphasize on more specific stakeholder.

●   Global announcements in the Canvas LMS

●   Send alert features in the Creatrix SIS

●   Announcement posts in respective group at Workplace (Meta)

●   Verbal announcements in regular staff meetings

●   Verbal announcement in regular student meetings

●   Verbal announcements in students’ orientation and onboarding sessions


The Office of Information and Technology is responsible for ensuring compliance with this protocol in various offices of the University.


Updated on February 4,2025 

Adopted on January 31, 2022.