
Student Conduct and Safe Learning Protocol


The purpose of this protocol is to describe Parami University’s specific regulations with regard to student conduct and Safe learning.


This is an academic protocol affecting all students and academic staff of the University.

Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies 

This is the University protocol.


Rights and responsibilities always go hand in hand. All members of the University must understand their rights and comply with their responsibilities when it comes to interacting with the University community.

The students have the right to receive instruction, to get advice to improve their lives, to have access to resources, and to receive fair due process and complaint mechanisms (Please see the Complaint Procedure for students). However, the responsibilities of the students play a crucial role in keeping the University on course and creating a conducive environment for learning.

This protocol describes several elements to ensure that the University provides the right circumstances to establish collaboration between faculty and students resulting in the exchange of ideas and the creation of new knowledge. This collaboration is based on mutual trust and respect, through their understanding of responsibilities. The academic staff’s responsibilities are articulated in the Academic Staff Conduct policy and procedures.

Learning Environment

The following eight features characterize the learning environment at Parami:

1.  A place to think…immersing intellectually and academically

2.  A sense of community…building a hub for learning

3.  A spirit to connect…interacting with the world, to the world, and for the world

4.  A preamble of confusion…beginning to discover oneself

5.  A goal towards humility…learning to see a larger world

6.  An education to transform…overcoming obstacles for a change

7.  A time to liberate…questioning previous beliefs and opinions

8.  A habit of learning…appreciating lifelong learning

The University aims to support the students’ intellectual development: one, to think clearly; two, to become an educated person who can entertain ideas that they do not accept; three, to relate what they have known to new bodies of knowledge; and four, to synthesize their traditional values with values that are essential in the modern way of life.

The students will meet new bodies of knowledge, exercise new skills in analysis and synthesis, and practice those values, such as curiosity and love of learning, needed to thrive in further studies or careers. The students will learn to ask thoughtful questions about the central message of every text, its cultural contexts, and the assumptions that the author made.

Because everything is connected to something else, the students will learn to look for interconnected systems that underlie whatever they are studying. Learning to think in new ways is such an all-consuming activity that the students will need to devote full time to the Program.

The University aims to support the students’ growth as a whole person. The University provides daily opportunities for cooperative learning, so that they will find happiness in helping others. The University provides new adventures and new responsibilities, so that they challenge themselves to welcome experiences new to them. The University provides intercultural encounters, so that they will develop more respect for people different from them.

The University explores beauty in nature, literature, and art, so that the students will open themselves more fully to what is beautiful. The University curriculum takes up many facets of modern civilization and ecology, so that they will enhance their well-grounded pride in the community. The readings, field trips, talks by guests, papers, and reflective assignments augment their creativity and enjoyment of learning. Success in the months with the University will lay the groundwork for a lifetime of pleasure in learning.

The University is a small community in which everyone participates according to both their rights and their responsibilities. As an institution which respects and promotes the independence and integrity of young adults, the University encourages its students to take part and organize institution-wide activities with the Unit of Student Support Services.. By empowering students to take ownership over their community, the University fosters a spirit of civic engagement and leadership.

To ensure that this learning environment can be created, the academic staff pledge to:

●   Design instruction and educational materials where all learners can flourish and as such they need to set the conditions for safe, respectful and inclusive online learning spaces for students.

●   Treat students fairly, respectfully, and without bias related to their race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, or age.

●   At all times avoid behaviors that compromise the integrity of the educational process, for example asking students to perform personal chores, using grading/assessment in a punitive or self-serving manner, sexual misconduct, including but not limited to sexual or romantic remarks, grooming, engaging in romantic relationships with students, etc (Note that non-consensual relationships are always prohibited and may involve other policies or laws.)

●   Be aware and respect students' rights.

Student’s Code of Conduct

All students at the University vow to respect the following codes of conduct:

a.  No student shall inflict physical or emotional harm or any threat whatsoever to any student, academic staff, or administrative staff. This physical harm includes, but is not limited to, assault, sexual abuse, or other forms of abuse.

b.  No student shall assist, participate in, or instigate any type of bullying–physical or cyber–throughout the University.

c.  No student shall harass any member of the University in any form, such as humiliation or belittlement in public or privately, sexual or romantic remarks, engaging in the act of grooming, etc

d.  All students must comply with academic integrity and no student shall violate academic honesty as outlined in the Academic Integrity policy.

e.  No student shall engage in disruption or obstruction of other University’s members’ rights to exercise their freedom of expression.

f.   No student shall discriminate against any other individual based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, or age.

g.  No student shall engage in theft of or damage to the University, and other members of the


h.  No student shall engage in illegal forgery, fabrication, or intentional alteration of their digital identities or violate other member’s identities.

i.        All students shall observe good classroom behavior, such as no drinking or intoxication during classes, no obscene or indecent behavior in class, or no swearing or using inappropriate language–verbal or written.

j.        All students shall engage in purchasing, sale, or use of illegal drugs, substances, weapons to the University members or outside of the University.

k.  All students will comply with required administrative duties as imposed by the University officials.

l.        All students shall report or notify the University if they know of a situation that can threaten the health and safety of the University community.

m. No student shall violate any international, federal, state or local law.

n.  No student shall violate any University policy, procedures, protocols, and processes as published by the University to be known to the students in the University Student Catalog.

This Student Code of Conduct will be published and updated in the Parami University Catalog. It is the responsibility of the students to be knowledgeable about this Student Code of Conduct. Any questions regarding this Code can be inquired at the Unit of Student Support Services. Students who violate Student Code of Conduct will be subject to the Student Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion procedure.


The Academic Department is responsible for developing and ensuring compliance with this policy in various offices of the University. Heads of academic units as well as administrative units will be notified when changes to the policy are made.


Updated on 

Adopted on January 31, 2022.