Identity Protection and Data Management Procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that identities and confidentiality of students are protected, and securely stored to carry out effective institutional activities and functions, such as enrollment assessment, course management, institutional research, and delivery of academic transcripts.
This is an administrative policy, affecting students and administrative staff of the University.
Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies
“In order to qualify for a license, a postsecondary degree granting educational institution shall comply with the following requirements regarding student records: (a) A postsecondary degree granting educational institution shall maintain accessible, secure, and accurate records for each student which, at a minimum, shall contain the information specified in this chapter, including, but not limited to: (1) The name of the student; (2) The title of the program(s) in which the student is or was enrolled; 11 (3) The total number of hours of educational instruction received by the student in the program(s); (4) The dates of the student’s enrollment; (5) The grade record of each course, lesson, or unit of instruction and the student’s cumulative grade for the program; and (6) The degree, diploma, certificate, or other credential awarded; and (b) The postsecondary degree granting educational institution shall establish procedures for providing upon request a true and accurate transcript and a policy for preserving the confidentiality of the student records.”
(D.C. Mun. Regs. Tit. 5, § A8004.15)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
(20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)
Gathering Information
The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs is responsible for gathering and maintaining personal, academic, and professional information of a) prospective students, c) current students, and c) alumni for effective institutional functioning of the University.
a) Prospective Students
The following information, at minimum, may be gathered from prospective students when they register to attend recruitment events or apply for programs through student enrollment platforms:
b) Current Students:
The following information, at minimum, will be maintained and processed from current students when they study at the University:
c) Alumni
The following information, at minimum, will be maintained and sought from alumni after they leave the University:
Alumni tracking is done in line with the Alumni Relations and Tracking protocol. All academic information of the alumni will be maintained for transcript purposes. However, their personal information that will not be put on transcripts may be removed from the University record system after ten years. Their professional information regarding their activities after the University years will be collected and processed in accordance with the Alumni Relations and Tracking protocol.
Secure Processing, and Storage of Information
.Records and data will be shared with the academic and support staff working at Parami, who need to view it as part of their work.
2. The consent must be gained from the students if their data or records are to be shared with third parties if it is applicable.
3. Any contents must be verified and agreed to be shared or edited by the owner of the source, followed by an additional double-check if there are any updates/major edits made.
4. If any administrative staff wishes to seek student records for any purpose, they must first receive approval for the Director of their Office.
5. The administrative staff will seek consent from students before using the information of individual students for advertising or institution promotion purposes.
6. The student records will be securely stored in the University student information system (SIS), which is co-managed by the Office of Educational Technology and Office of Registrar.
The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy in various offices of the University.
Updated on
Adopted on January 31, 2022.