Personalized Education Policy
Institution-wide Policies
Academic Policies
Administrative Policies
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University is committed to devote resources so that students have customized personalized learning experiences.
This is an institution-wide policy, affecting Trustees, academic staff, administrative staff, and students.
Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies
This is the University policy.
Compliance/Policy Statement
Personalized education is an approach to education, aiming to customize learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests to achieve the optimal learning outcomes for students. To ensure that the University delivers a personalized approach, the following two commitments are made.
Synchronous Learning
The University believes that real-time faculty-student engagement is crucial in delivering personalized learning. In a synchronous learning environment the faculty has the opportunity to tailor education to the needs of the students by adjusting the contents of the course, adding supplementary materials to provide further learning opportunities, and active learning. Active learning happens when learners are actively engaged with content. Learning occurs through active hands-on participation or through active cognition. It is the responsibility of the academic staff to provide such learning experience to students and it is the responsibility of the students to actively participate and engage with the academic staff and their peers for the best learning experience and outcomes.
Small Class Size
The University believes that personalized learning can happen only if class sizes are small. This ensures that the academic staff can provide necessary support and attention to students inside and outside of class, provide synchronous feedback to each and every student in class, and hold necessary office hours to accommodate further faculty-student interactions. The University commits to having no more than twenty-five students in each class. Typical class size will be twenty (20) students.
The Academic Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy in various offices of the University.
Updated on
Adopted on January 21, 2022.