Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


The purpose of this policy is to describe criteria for academic progress, financial aid status, eligibility and appeals. 


This is an academic policy, affecting students of the University receiving financial aid. 

Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies 

This is the University policy. 

Compliance/Policy Statement 

Satisfactory Academic Progress at the University is defined as the maintenance of the minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). All students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at any point in their academic study. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, he/she will be put on academic probation. The details of academic probation are articulated in the Student Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion procedure. 


The Academic Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy in various offices of the University. 


Updated on 

Adopted on January 21, 2022.