Institutional Assessment and Quality Assurance Policy


The purpose of this policy is to commit Parami University to excellence in teaching and fulfillment of its missions.


This is an institution-wide policy, affecting trustees, advisors, academic staff, and administrative staff of the University.

Referenced Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies 

This is the University policy.

Compliance/Policy Statement 


The Internal Assessment and Quality Assurance mechanism is a university-wide activity that requires inputs from all the academic and administrative departments and offices. The University Management shall be responsible for the following:

The annual institutional assessment report shall  include a clear indication of whether the organization’s missions and objectives are met, remedial measures taken during the year, and recommendations for the future. Recommendations also include developing partnerships to create better opportunities for students and to supplement resources. The annual institutional assessment framework and plan for the following fiscal year shall incorporate the prior findings and feedback from the Board of Trustees. 

The University Management may delegate an officer to implement the Internal Assessment and Quality Assurance mechanism which shall include, but not limited to, the following activities:

Guidance on indicators 

The Academic Department under the Dean of Academic Affairs will be responsible for ensuring that the academic programs meet the University’s mission to nurture critical thinking, inspired leadership, and compassionate service. The Academic Department will develop an assessment framework and performance measures, both quantitative and qualitative, pertaining to the variety and quality of course offerings; faculty qualifications; curriculum; pedagogy; education technology, and other academic offerings. The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs shall work closely with the Academic Department to develop frameworks that are in line with the Academic Department’s mission. 

The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs shall develop an assessment framework and indicators to ensure that the University’s goals of nurturing inspired leadership and compassionate service are met. The assessment should also evaluate quality and effectiveness of student services which includes, but not limited to, student activities, library and education resources, and volunteer service placements to ensure that they are accessible to the students and fulfill programmatic goals. 

The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs shall also develop indicators to ensure that the University fulfills its mission of opening education pathways to underserved students in developing countries, including those who have faced displacement and oppression. This will entail emphasizing recruitment activities in those populations, and measuring performance in recruitment, admissions and enrollment by tracking student demographic information. 

The Office of Finance and Operations, and the Office of Institutional Advancement shall develop assessment framework and performance measures pertaining to the internal operations and goals of the University. 

While the University Management is authorized to approve new key performance categories and corresponding indicators, the following categories of key performance, at minimum, must be clearly measured using at least the following given indicators. It is understood that the indicators described in the guidance and the table are not exhaustive, and the relevant units will develop indicators tailored to their plans and activities, with a view towards fulfilling the University’s missions and goals. 


The Board of Trustee is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy in various offices of the University. 


Adopted on January 10, 2022.

Amended on January 20, 2023.